Answer Me Why!

I don’t know why,
It’s Love and heart!

I see through eyes,
I feel with skin,
I whiff with nose,
I lick with tongue,
I heed with ears,
In love and romances,
I lose my senses.

Why is it Love and heart?
My heart beats sturdy,
Loudly, impatiently,
When I say ‘love’,
When I demand,
Why is it heart?


This poem is written for the IndiSpire Edition Number 123 which asks us to write on:

With all your senses, “Fall in Love – One more time”.

14 thoughts on “Answer Me Why!

  1. Beautifully written Prakash!
    When I saw my ex-fiancé in the grocery store a month ago, my heart raced & I am pretty sure I stopped breathing. “THAT” feeling was still there after all the years & all the sad things we went thru’. We are still friends altho’ we only talk on the phone now & he has a new girlfriend.
    No matter, my heart obviously still ‘cares’ deeply for him…..(it kind of felt nice to have “THAT” feeling again…)
    Sherri-Ellen 🙂

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