Tick Tock Tick Tock

This Post is written for the Incredible Blogger Marathon Challenge. The challenge has 10 tasks and this is the first one.

IBMC #01:  Phrase a Paragraph Challenge is the first to write a paragraph of 100 words by choosing one out of given ten topics. (Rules can be checked out in link)


Here is my post on ‘tick tock tick tock’:

It was not the clock. It was not the timer. Everything around Adit was tranquil and serene. But Adit was in anxiety and rush.  He could see the ducks quacking in buzz tone and happily flying around the pond. He could listen to the chirps from the tree in close proximity. It was a gauzy weather just perfect to gaze at nature and splurge rest of the evening. But Adit had this ‘tick tock tick tock’ going on in his heart. He could see her coming at far distance and he was all ready to propose her!

Following are the mentioned topics:

  1. Writing About the Rights
  2. The Cool and the Fool
  3. I am and so I am
  4. Mark of the Destiny
  5. Shoulder of Support
  6. My Way, My Stay
  7. When I See You
  8. Tick Tock Tick Tock
  9. Fly High
  10. The Perfect Match

Feel free to take up the challenge if interested.

16 thoughts on “Tick Tock Tick Tock

    • I am so glad. Thank you so much. 🙂

      I am not sure if i may continue this. I am putting the further part of the story here:
      Adit remembered this incident and shared it with the same freshness as it was on that day, on their 25th wedding anniversary!

      Liked by 3 people

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