When I See You

When I see you, I get a,

Sweet crush,
Sugar rush,
Honey ecstasy,
Saccharine fantasy,
Syrupy gulp,
Chocolaty pulp,
Overloaded drink!
Wink! Wink!

This poem is written for Poetry 101 Rehab : Sugar.

 For more sugar, you can read the poems written by others here by clicking on the blue fellow:

49 thoughts on “When I See You

  1. Bah… my earlier comment has vanished entirely (might have been routed to your ‘spam’ folder); I’ll try again without the 💥 ?Random Raiders! 💥 link. Apologies if this ends up as a duplicate (you can always delete one of them).

    Heads-up: link on ‘Poetry 101 Rehab : Sugar’ is dead; looks like the ‘maraeastern.com’ custom domain name has gone walkies. On a hunch I tried inserting ‘.wordpress’ and got lucky, so this can easily be fixed by amending the link to point instead to:

    Poetry 101 Rehab: Sugar

    Liked by 1 person

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