The Do All Dream

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Just a Dream.”

You’re having a nightmare, and have to choose between three doors. Pick one, and tell us about what you find on the other side.


Am pretty sure. It was not a dream. I could see three doors in front of me. The three doors had the labels,

  • Do Anything
  • Do Everything
  • Do Nothing

It was clear instinct that I had to pick one.  I was lazy and I decided to pick the door where I get to do nothing. I opened the door and stepped in. I was surprised to see,
doors2Beyond that door were two more doors again. This time I decided to pick everything door. And,
doors3It was kind of expected. I thought the fate was to always end up with anything door. I was curious to know what was inside. As I opened the door,


oops! I saw the three doors again! I was confused and mind moved into recursive thinking. What is the message? No message? Then I realized,


“No matter what we pick; nothing, everything or anything, there is always a next door. Cheer up!”. 


Till today I have the question. Was it a dream? Why? When it is so much of reality!

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